• News&Notices

SJH, selected as the best medical center for Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Surgery (Recorded the most number of surgery, most success rate of surgery, lease rate of infection)

  • Date : 2017-07-19

SJH, the heart specialty hospital designated by Ministry of Health and Welfare, received first class hospital for infection management.

Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service of MOHW released its recent assessment of Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Surgery on October 25th where SJH rated as the first class hospital (the best rated) in overall assessments. Among 1st class hospitals, SJH was selected as the top best hospital for infection management.

‘Assessment of Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Surgery’ by Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service was based on the initial injection of antibiotic prophylaxis one hour prior to surgery (skin excision)and lease number of antibiotic injection after the surgery to prevent infection. Thus the assessment was conducted on basis on basic injection of antibiotic (initial antibiotic injection) and maintaining the low patient infection rate not relying on antibiotics. Until few years ago, it was a common protocol to inject several antibiotics after a surgery; however, the assessment was conducted due to Government’s guidance of control infection management by lowering antibiotic injectionswith the advancement of medical technology. SJH was selected as the best top medical center based on the overview of this assessment showing the average injection days of general hospital as 2.2 days where as SJH’s only 1.2 days with lower infection rate.

As to provide the best medical service based on patient safety, from July 2011, SJH has modified all of its operating room as ‘clean operating room’ based on international standard and assist fast patient recovery and infection prevention.

Clean operating room is equipped with humidification system and high efficiency particulate air filter in the ceiling to avoid contaminated air within the operating rooms and maintain near asepsis and comprehensive advancement of environment by eliminating contact with contaminated waste produced during surgery through cleanse, packing, sterilization and storage.

Also, SJH has adopted temperature control system based on surgery procedure on all of its operating rooms for past 20 years in order to provide best care for patients. Generally, an operating room can control temperature from 18℃ to 22℃, all of SJH’s operating room can control temperature from 14℃ to 28℃ instantaneously. During cardiac surgery, it will reduce the myocardial damage and provide safe treatment.

SJH, not only holds the best success rate and most number of surgery, holds the record of least infection rate in Korea focusing patient safety first.
