• News&Notices

Director Ko Jin of Department of Surgery, Mediplex Sejong Hospital published a paper on the recovery of function of kidney transplantation patient in the international journal

  • Date : 2019-09-16
- Discovering that fluid resuscitation before and after kidney transplantation helps the improvement of kidney function
- Expecting that more systematic treatment can be provided to patients with renal failure
The paper on the recovery of kidney function of kidney transplantation patients by Director Ko Jin of Department of Surgery (Department of Vascular Surgery) at Mediplex Sejong Hospital was published in the July issue of Journal of clinical medicine (JCM, Impact factor; 5.688).
The paper is titled Hyperchloremia Is Associated with Poor Early Recovery of Kidney Graft Function after Living-Donor Kidney Transplantation: A Propensity Score-Matching Analysis and research was conducted targeting patients with chronic renal failure patients who received kidney transplantation operation. Through the study, it is found that fluid resuscitation before and after kidney transplantation surgery controls and manages metabolism within the body, resulting in significant improvement of kidney function after transplantation.
It is expected that more appropriate treatment can be provided to patients with renal failure and systematic management before and after kidney transplantation surgery can be provided based on this research.
Director Ko said, “As a medical scientist, I think this study is meaningful in that foundation is established to provide the highest level of advanced medical care to patients with renal failure and I will provide care to my patients with humbler mind.”
“I have an experience of winning the excellent and best awards from the Korean Surgical Ultrasound Society and the Asian Surgical Ultrasound Society respectively in 2018 with my presentation on usability of ultrasound for patients with renal kidney failure. I will continue my study to provide the best medical care for my patients,” he added.
