진료과 사진

Pediatric & Juvenile

Through the heart pathology meeting that started in 1985, we have made breakthroughs in understanding and treating congenital heart disease in Korea by studying heart formation and autopsy heart research.

In the same year, we succeeded in performing balloon valve surgery for pulmonary artery stenosis patients for the second time in Korea. In 1987, electrical physiology using hard esophageal electrode ceramics led to great development in the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric arrhythmia. In 1989, patients were treated with severe interventions such as pulmonary artery obstructions in the case of newborns, percutaneous closures of arterial intubation in 1991, and percutaneous closures of atrial septal defects in 1994.

In 2005, we introduced heart ultrasounds for the second time in Korea, so that the treatment of atrial septal defects were performed without general anesthesia, but with more precision, thereby improving the quality of Korean pediatric cardiac intervention. Currently, seven pediatric cardiologists are in charge of medical care in the department, and outpatient care is centered on pediatric heart disease, but may also treat general diseases. Pediatric echocardiography tests are performed at the rate of about 6,000 cases a year, and fetal echocardiography is performed likewise.

Main Medical Treatment Sector
- Pediatric heart disease
- Pediatric General Diseases
- Neonatal diseases
Major Medical Procedures and Surgeries
- Normal echocardiography: Transthoracic echocardiography
- Specialized echocardiography: transesophageal echocardiography, 3-dimensional echocardiography, intra-operative echocardiography
- Percutaneous valve intervention
- Percutaneous cardiovascular intervention
- Pericardial puncture
- Cardiac catheterization
- Open Coronary Artery: Coronary angiography
- Temporary Pacemaker Insertion
Related Centers and Clinics
• Pediatric Cardiac Intervention Clinic
• Pediatric Arrhythmia Clinic
• Adolescent and adult congenital
• Heart disease clinic
• Kawasaki Clinic



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선택(지정,특진) 진료 대상 의사는 해당 진료과의 전문의 자격을 취득한 후 10년이 경과 하거나, 대학병원의 조교수 이상의 자격을 갖춘 의사입니다.
선택(지정,특진)진료의 보험 혜택 여부는?
보건복지부의 추가 비용 항목과 산정 기준에 따라, 선택(지정,특진) 진료는 보험 혜택 없이 비용을 환자가 전액 본인 부담합니다.
진료항목 추가비용산정기준
진찰 국민건강보험 진료수가 기준중 진찰료의 55% 가산
의학관리 국민건강보험 진료수가 기준중 입원료의 20%가산
검사 국민건강보험 진료수가 기준중 검사료의 50% 가산
영상진단 국민건강보험 진료수가 기준중 영양진단료의 25% 가산
마취 국민건강보험 진료수가 기준중 마취료의 100% 가산
처치/수술 국민건강보험 진료수가 기준중 수술료의 100% 가산

전문의 자격증 취득후 10년 이상의 Background을 가진 의사 (대학병원의 조교수 이상)