• News&Notices

Incheon Sejong Hospital acquired Grade 1 in “Hemodialysis Adequacy Assessment”

  • Date : 2022-12-20
20221130_인천 혈액투석 적정성평가 1등급-100.jpg
▲ The front view of Incheon Sejong Hospital
Incheon Sejong Hospital (Director: Park Jin-sik), obtained Grade 1 in the “7th Hemodialysis Adequacy Assessment” carried out by Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service (hereinafter, HIRA) on Nov. 27 (Tue.)
As diabetes and hypertension, the primary causes of end-stage kidney diseases, increase, the number of patients who undergo hemodialysis treatment increases. And as interest in the quality of life and mortality of patients grows, there have been consistent requests for quality assessment of patient management.
Hence, HIRA has conducted a hemodialysis adequacy assessment since 2009 (6 times so far) to improve the quality of medical services regarding hemodialysis and to give the public the knowledge they need to make informed medical service decisions.
The 2021 (7th) Hemodialysis Adequacy Assessment was conducted on the treatment carried out for 6 months from October 2020 to March 2021. This comprehensive assessment was done on 954 medical institutions across the nation that offer hemodialysis services and their patients who underwent hemodialysis more than twice a week. The evaluation items cover structural factors such as personnel, facilities, equipment, etc., and treatment-related factors regarding treatment and its results such as hemodialysis adequacy, management of blood vessels and anemia, etc. 
Incheon Sejong Hospital scored 100 out of 100 in the ratio of doctors who are dedicated to hemodialysis, the rate of carrying out hemodialysis adequacy tests according to the planned cycle, the rate of conducting monitoring on Arteriovenous Fistula Stenosis, the rate of carrying out the periodic test according to the planned cycle, the rate of meeting the adequate level in hemodialysis, and the rate of meeting the level of calcium and phosphorus. It received 84.5 points on the overall average, and 95.8, which surpassed the overall average score of 87.5 points received by other institutes in the same category, demonstrating that Incheon Sejong Hospital is a Grade 1 hospital in hemodialysis.
Oh Byeong-hee, the director of Incheon Sejong Hospital, said, “hemodialysis is a treatment to filter wastes from the blood and return the cleaned blood to the body. Therefore, a prevention system and a safe environment are necessary. Incheon Sejong Hospital has doctors and dedicated nurses residing in the hospital so that they can immediately respond to patients, checks the facilities and environment on a regular basis, and provide patients with ongoing professional training.” He added, “Incheon Sejong Hospital will do its best for patients to be treated in a safe environment.” 
Meanwhile, Incheon Sejong hospital has been accredited for its excellent endoscopy unit and accredited as a medical institution by the Ministry of Health and Welfare twice in a row. Sejong hospital was officially recognized as a reliable hospital in terms of medical service quality, patient safety, and emergency medical treatment after it was designated as a Local emergency center once again.
