The Second Leap in the Global Vascular Hospital, Bucheon Sejong Hospital Cerebrovascular Center

Cerebrovascular disease is a disease that comes third in increasing mortality rates, after heart disease and cancer. Depending on how quickly you arrive at a hospital, and how quickly your arrival at hospital is responded to, the outcome may vary significantly. Bucheon Sejong Hospital does not neglect patient treatment due to time delays, given that the first treatment is handled directly by a specialist, while individual treatments such as medication, intervention, or surgery, are carried out in one step.

Acute Phase Stroke Class 1 Hospital (Health Insurance Evaluation and Assessment Service) – Recognized for Therapeutic Responsiveness

We have six specialists with vast clinical experience in cerebrovascular disease, minimizing brain cell damage, increasing patient survival, reducing complications and sequelae, and improving the quality of life of patients after treatment.
At Bucheon Sejong Hospital, treatment will be done immediately upon patient arrival.
Stroke Golden Time 3 Hours
Bucheon Sejong Hospital Cerebrovascular Center
Within 30 minutes: injection of thrombolytic agent
Within 1 hour: neuroangiography
Within 2 hours: cerebrovascular surgery

The criterion for the evaluation of intravenous thrombolytic therapy for clogged blood vessels is within one hour, but at the cerebrovascular center of Bucheon Sejong Hospital, thrombolytic agents are administered approximately 30 minutes after the arrival of a stroke patient.

Operation of stroke intensive care unit

The ‘Intensive Care Unit for Stroke,’ which is operated by a total of 5 beds, is a private hospital for stroke patients and if the condition is stable, the patient is moved to a normal room. The Bucheon Sejong Hospital Stroke Intensive Care Unit is staffed by a specialist 24 hours a day, who checks the condition of patients frequently to ensure prompt treatment.

Placement of a dedicated nurse for ‘Intensive Care Unit for Stroke’

Along with the operation of the intensive care unit, a dedicated nurse resides to enable 1:1 contact patient care. Immediate and systematic care helps patients better recover after the acute phase.

Hybrid Operating Room - Optimized operating room that does not miss the golden time of the vascular patient

Hybrid vascular surgery is performed for people with vascular disease who have multiple vascular lesions, are at high risk, or who require both surgical and interventional procedures. In situations where a patient's life is directly connected with treatment time, the Hybrid Surgical Method removes the waiting time for intervention and surgical operation for quick and accurate treatment.
  • Reduced operation time
  • Minimized surgical site
  • Reduced recovery period and length of stay
  • Minimized postoperative complications and pain
  • Internal and surgical operation available
  • Multidisciplinary collaboration by department

Rehabilitation Center - Rehabilitation of Cerebrovascular Diseases

  • 120 py center dedicated to rehabilitation
  • A specialist who specializes in sports medicine prescribes individual personalized exercises
  • One-to-one dedicated treatment between patient and therapist
  • Change of therapist (neurologist) every 3 months to maximize treatment effectiveness